Category: General

How to Prepare for an Emergency
More than 80% of Americans live in counties that have experienced a weather-related disaster. However, only 39% of Americans have created an emergency plan for their households. While it’s almost impossible to predict when an emergency or natural disaster will occur, creating a plan may help keep your family safe in the event of one. […]

How to Find the Home that’s Right for You
For the majority of homebuyers, finding the right property to buy is often the most difficult step of the home buying process more difficult than saving for a down payment or getting a mortgage. Before you start your search, consider these four important factors. How much house can you afford? Knowing what you can afford […]

Basic Home Improvements
In many areas of the country, energy and water costs are on the rise, taking a bigger chunk out of our wallets every month. But, there’s hope. With a few home improvements, you may be able to save money on your utility bills. Water Whether you live in an area that’s facing another year of […]

9 Tips for Developing Better Habits
More than half of adults make New Year’s resolutions each year. Unfortunately, many give up after a few weeks because they haven’t turned their goals into habits. Whether you want to lose weight, save for a home or eat more vegetables, adopting good habits is sure to help you reach your goals. Here are a […]

Housing & The Econonmy
Buying a home not only impacts the homeowner’s financial situation, it also impacts the local and national economies. Since 2016 is an election year, there’s no doubt the economy and housing’s role within it will be a hot topic in the news. Let’s take a look at the impact of housing on the local economy […]

Keep Your Pets Safe This Holiday Season
For many of us, our pets are a part of our families. Make sure they stay safe during all of the holiday festivities with these helpful tips. Create a quiet space for pets. The holidays are a chaotic time, especially when it’s your turn to host the annual party. Set up a private space for […]